Life’s What You Make It, So Smile!

Today I have been a bit of a grumpy old bear. Its something that’s built up basically as a result of a mixture of a lot of things.

Mostly, those have been just annoyances with my parents, I’m really tired of being back at home. They ask way too many questions and its always the same questions over again. Plus they smoke and get everything smelly. I find that extremely disrespectful and it bothers me… A tonne.

Adding to that is their house, its so out of the way and far from everything, I can never really connect with my friends or do anything worthwhile.

Not to mention their cats that get hair everywhere! Makes me want to tear out my own hair… And eyeballs!

Adding to that, my application got rejected to an apartment I applied to. Normally that’s fine because it’s usually just a chance and your competing with others for the available places. But with this one, I worked it out to be basically a sure thing, but to add to it, they didn’t even inform me that my application was declined.

Besides that, there are a tonne of small things that have been annoying and bothering me as well.

The weather isn’t helping neither.

I’m ready to move on and get this summer finished with. If school started tomorrow, I wouldn’t think that would be a bad thing either. So I’m setting a goal to never let this happen again. Next summer I’m going to try and get a job with Parks Canada or something of the sort, and enjoy the time I have off. Plus, maybe finally travel to Malaysia and Singapore!

With that rant out of the way though, I am usually a very happy and optimistic person. Whenever people meet me they always tell me that I’m so down to earth, easy to get along with and super positive.

Which I am.

I’m always looking at the glass half full, giving my all, looking for answers and accepting what happens. There are always certain things I constantly tell people around me. Those being, “Life’s what you make it, so you gotta make it right”, “The world always looks brighter from behind a smile”, and “All you need is love!”.

Whenever I’m at work too, you can always catch me singing! Most of the time its love songs, but every time it shows what kind of mood I’m in. So when you hear the love songs, that’s a good thing. Along with “Copa Cabana”, Ke$ha, and any Corey Hart to make the sun shine on me.

But for right now, I know that tomorrow will bring a lot better of a day. So expect some love songs to come echoing out of the kitchen at work, accompanied by one crazy looking cook.


“Things don’t go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be” – Samuel Johnson


Tyson Trepidations.